Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Secret lovers week

In college I lived in the most wonderful dorm in the world: Olson Hall. I have so many wonderful memories there and I lived with some of the best girls in the world.

It was during my time at Taylor University that the tradition of secret lover's week was formed on Third Center Olson. The idea behind it is, each girl on the floor gets the name of another girl on the floor and for the seven days leading up to Valentine's Day, makes that person feel like the most special girl in the world. It's like secret santa, but for a whole week. We were college students, so spending a lot of money was out of the question, but that didn't stop us. I remember one year, a big purple sign was hung in our dining commons that said "Kirstin, you are the mac to my cheese." Secret notes came to mailboxes, Starbucks was delivered in secret, and other shenanigans took place. It was so fun finding creative ways to show someone else how special they are. Giving was so much more fun than receiving.

I decided that this tradition should not stop in college! So while it's not so secret who my lover is, I have enjoyed giving Ben a little something every day since Feb. 7. So far my not so secret lover has received mustache socks, fruit by the foot, a key chain flashlight, and most recently a mustache mug!

It's so hard to not give it all to him at once, but it's nice taking a moment each day to show Ben (in a very little way) how much I love him.

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