Thursday, January 31, 2013

One of those days

It was one of those days where the only possible activity that could be completed after work was endless hours of parenthood while indulging in candy. Add Chinese takeout to the mix, and it was a good night.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Over the weekend

I have no pictures for you from this weekend. I took a much needed break from life. I didn't even leave the house AT ALL on Sunday. I don't know if I should be proud or ashamed of that fact. Well, the whole blog world knows now so I'll wear my laziness proudly.

This weekend consisted of one too many episodes of parenthood, too much food, and a lot of time under the covers. Overall, a success!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Happy birthday brother

Happy birthday big brother! Can't wait to celebrate with you tonight!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dear life,

You are treating me well.  Thanks for keeping things interesting around here.

Dear Rivermont Pizza,

I love that you are a quick hop, skip, and a jump away from our house. Thank you for always providing a great time with friends. Please stop making your pizzas so delicious or my long runs are going to have to become a lot longer.

Dear boots,

I appreciate your warmth, but please stop scuffing when I wear you to work.

Dear spinach salad,

Thanks for bringing health and nutrients into my life. You are so much better with blue cheese.

Dear snow,

Please come back. I miss you.

Dear husband,

Thanks for making me smile.

Dear college roommate,

Please come visit. There is a whole in my heart that cannot be filled without you.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Weekends are too short

Mondays are hard. Especially after incredible weekends. All in favor of three day weekends, say I!

 This weekend started off with a good old fashioned date night. It of course involved my newest obsession of Parenthood. I might be a little late to this bandwagon, but I am loving the show. The depth of each character just keeps growing! Ben and I tried to squeeze in as many episodes as possible all weekend long.

After some chilli  we decided to head outdoors. With some of the snow still on the ground we wanted to enjoy it while it lasted. We got some hot drinks at Starbucks and then headed back to the same spot where we got engaged. Little did we know that the once romantic spot is now an apartment building. Ha! We still enjoyed our time outside and reminisced for a few short minutes.

And, to make the night even better, when we got home, we built a fort! (and watched Parenthood, of course)

On Saturday, we spent the day exploring Charlottseville, eating crepes, going out to dinner with friends to celebrate a birthday, and later watching one of our friends play at a local coffee shop. 

Sunday was spent doing nothing. Just the way we like it.

I hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend as well!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Finally the rain changed to snow!

Virginia is a wonderful place to live for so many reasons. We live in the middle of the Blue Ridge mountains and have all kinds of adventure right at our fingertips. The weather is beautiful year round. We are three hours from DC and three hours from Charlotte, NC. And, we are able to experience all four seasons for just the right amount of time. 

But, having grown up in the north, I can't help myself...I miss the snow! I miss countless snow days, sled rides, skiing, snow angels, and so much more. I never thought I'd say this, but sometimes I miss that tingly sensation you get in your fingers when you run them under hot water after coming inside from hours of playing in the snow. I miss laying down in the snow, creating snow angels and catching snowflakes on my tongue. I miss looking out are kitchen windows and watching a winter wonderland created in front of my eyes. So many of my memories from childhood took place in the snow.

So this girl was so excited when she finally got to see some white stuff falling from the ski last night. I got so excited when the rain turned into snow, I think Ben was a little frightened (I guess excessive screaming can do that).  That southern boy just doesn't know what he's missing. 

Snow, it's good to see you again.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Rain, rain, go away

This is the third day of rain here in Lynchburg. Waking up to it this morning was a little depressing. Rain always seems to zap my motivation. My life last night consisted of toast for dinner and hulu watching the rest of the evening. I know, I know, I live an exciting life.

On a happier note, a picture of three pretty awesome people:

Monday, January 14, 2013

Valentines project

Over the weekend I was in a crafting mood and still feeling the love, so I decided to make some felt hearts that I could put on display throughout the house. 

The process was the same as the last heart diy I talked about a week ago. This time I just added a string that I could hang the hearts from and finished off the edge with some pinking sheers. 

 I think these little guys are so cute. I can't wait to make some more. 

I also think the hearts would make perfect wedding favors with some initials hand stitched in the center.

If you don't feel like making these for yourselves, they are now for sale in my etsy shop!

Over the weekend

This weekend I forgot that chores existed. That was the best decision of my life.  (Slight exaggeration.)

Ben and I binged on incredible food: Five Guys, Texas Inn, Papa John's, and homemade nachos all in one weekend. Did I mention that I skipped working out too? Another good decision.

We spent time at Barnes and Noble reading magazines, at a Liberty University basketball game, helping my parents move, and crafting.

I'll let the pictures do the talking.

 I had to include two pictures of this beauty. And yes, two people did eat all of that. 

Happy Monday!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Tenth monthiversary

I never pass up an excuse to go out for ice cream and when I found out that Ben and I hit ten months of marriage yesterday, we had to celebrate! And what's better than ice cream with every topping imaginable? (I realize that ten months of marriage is not a big deal but it's the little things in life people, the little things.)

It's been a good ten months. Sometimes I feel like we have been married forever, and there are other days he surprises me with something new. One thing I have learned is that I am a very impatient and selfish person. Marriage is a growing experience and I have definitely felt my fair share of growing pains, but I am so thankful to do it with Ben by my side.

 At least he has learned the way to my heart is through ice cream...

What a cutie I have on my hands!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Is it too early to talk about another holiday?

I had a little time on my hands last night while the husband was rock climbing so I decided to finally finish taking down all of the Christmas decorations and began preparing for the next holiday: VALENTINES DAY.

While I have never been the type of person to celebrate valentines day, this year seams different. I'm excited to celebrate with my husband and start some new traditions. Now I just have to figure out what those traditions are!

 I decided to dust off my scissors and thread and whip up a little something. I made all of the hearts (pictured above and below) by hand with scraps of fabric I had around the house and some batting. They were so easy to make! If you decide to make a couple, just cut out the heart shapes (2 per heart), sew around the edges, stuff and finish it off. It's supposed to look homemade so don't worry if the stitching isn't perfect.

Now a little dish of the hearts greets everyone who comes to our door!

Then I got out the scrapbook paper and a stapler and whipped up some heart garland. 

 Our headboard needs a little help, I know. It was covered with greens over Christmas and I loved it, but now it looks so sparse. I need to get my creative juices flowing to come up with some new ideas. 

Please ignore the horrible lighting. That's what happens when you take pictures at 8 p.m. indoors. 

I'm hoping to add some more decorations over the next couple weeks, but I'm happy with everything so far. Decorating without spending money always puts me in a good mood (and my husband likes it too). Everything was so easy and gets me excited for what is to come!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Is the weekend over already?

Happy Monday!

 I can't believe it is time to start the week again. Is there anywhere in the world that has 4 day work weeks and 3 day weekends? I would like to move there as soon as possible.

Our weekend was filled with at least 12 hours of laying in bed per night, a winter walk, some long runs (me 7.5 miles him 15), and milkshakes.

Happy January 7th!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Dear life

Dear life,

Sometimes I complain, but so far you're pretty great.

Dear Ben,

I think you make life a little better. Maybe. :)

Dear 5:30 a.m.,

I do not like you, but I feel pretty great when I'm done with my run.

Dear dishes,

Go away.

Dear White Hart,

You have been the host of many great coffee dates. I can't get enough of your lattes.

Dear weekend,

Thank you for existing. Everyone needs a break once in a while.

Friday, January 4, 2013

I just love him

(Thanks for letting me take obnoxious pictures all.the.time.)

Happy Weekend

Enjoy the weekend! Ben and I are looking forward to sleeping in, reading, and a long run.

(Picture taken at a coffee date at the White Hart last night.)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Last year

Last year at this time I was in the midst of wedding planning. I had thought that wedding planning would be a breeze and that engagement would be the best part of Ben and I's relationship to date. 

But it was anything but that.

It was stressful. It was painful. Breakdowns occurred, and I felt like no one prepared me for this. No one told me that working full time, planning a wedding (in three months), and trying to focus on strengthening your relationship would be overwhelming. 

No one told me that it was easy to get lost in the details and forget that the most important part was beginning your life with a strong marriage rooted in faith. 

No one warned me.

I am so thankful for our wedding day and all the details ended up coming together. But I'm also glad I never have to plan a wedding again. I am thankful that in all of the nitty gritty details my fiance stood by my side and that I can now call him husband.

And let me tell you, wedding planning is stressful. There are so many details that need to be attended to, flowers that need to be picked, guest lists that need to be written, and invitations that need to be designed, but don't forget, the wedding is not the be all end all. It's about starting your life with your husband. Celebrating that two people are now becoming one. Standing in front of friends, family, and God and declaring your lifetime commitment to the most beautiful and sanctifying relationship you will ever experience.

Thanks husband for sticking with me through all of the planning and details. You're pretty great.

Christmas morning

This post is a little late, but Ben and I had a wonderful first Christmas together filled with food, family, and some classic Christmas movies. 

The best part was having a few days together with no agenda or plans. No alarm clocks. No cleaning. No work. It was perfect.

Sent to Australia

Over the Christmas holiday, I was able to whip up a set of vintage inspired napkins going all the way to Australia! My first international order! I really do love creating things for other people and I hope to continue to grow and expand my offerings in the coming months. 

Check it out here

This is probably one of my favorite projects to date! Just look at those colors!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Years Eve 2012

After a short hiatus, themspiveys are back! And ready to start blogging in 2013!

We had an incredible New Years Eve, despite having a terrible cold and brought in 2013 in Greensboro watching one of our favorite bands: the Avett Brothers!

2012 was a great year for Ben and I and I look forward to spending 2013 by his side.